Flash Focus

Submissions are open on a rolling basis for flash fiction stories to appear in our twice-monthly Flash Focus feature. All writers selected will also have an interview about the story that will run alongside it.

There is no theme but please read the stories we publish to get a feel for what we like.

Our usual submission guidelines apply (see below).

We will also nominate stories for prizes (Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Best Microfictions, etc.).

Words: Up to 750 (excluding the title)

Submission fee: £7 submission only / £22 with feedback

Author payment: £20

Submit your story here

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit stories written in English through Submittable. Please use a clear font of at least size 12 so that we can read it easily!

  • Please use the name of your story as your Submission title and the document you upload.

  • Please include the word count at the start or end of the story document.

  • Stories must be your own original work and not have been published online or in print, or have won any other competitions (longlisted and shortlisted in other competitions is fine if the story remains unpublished).

  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed but if your story wins a prize or is published prior to the winner’s announcement your submission will become ineligible. No refunds of submission fees will be paid.

  • By entering the competition you agree to your story being published in WestWord.

  • Stories can be in any genre apart from children’s fiction.

  • You can enter as many times as you like but all entries must be made separately and the entry fee paid each time.

  • The judge’s decision is final.

  • Cash prize payments will be made through PayPal or via BACS.

  • There are no alternative prizes.

Please do not send us stories with racism, sexism, homophobia, religious hatred or any other kind of bigotry and hate. Any sex must be relevant to the story. Do not send us graphic stories of rape, incest, child abuse, bestiality, or gratuitous violence. We won’t publish it and we do not want to read it.

Authors will retain all rights and copyright to their works. WestWord requests one-time, non-exclusive rights to publish your work.

Submit your story here