Recently a writer contacted me and asked if I would consider running a competition for writers that had not yet been published as she’d noticed that the majority of winners in the competitions, and writers published in the themed editions, had lots of publications to their name.
It can be hard to get started when you’re a new writer and I would love to help people get their first publication credit here at WestWord. So, I am opening up submissions for stories to be published in a one-off edition this October. If we get lots of interest, and lots of great stories, then I may run it again in the future. But for now, it’s just planned for this one special edition. Please let all the unpublished writers you know about it! Hopefully we will discover lots of great new writing and writers!
There is no theme and we accept stories in all genres, apart from children’s fiction. For an idea of the kinds of stories we like to publish, make sure to read lots of those that we have already published.
Our usual guidelines apply, which you can see our submissions page. Please pay extra attention to this one:
Please do not send us stories with racism, sexism, homophobia, religious hatred or any other kind of bigotry and hate. Any sex must be relevant to the story. Do not send us graphic stories of rape, incest, child abuse, bestiality, or gratuitous violence. We won’t publish it and we do not want to read it.
Unpublished Writer Edition Submission Details
Max word count: 1000
Deadline: 8th September
Submission fee: £5
Writer compensation: All writers selected will share 50% of the submission fees received (after Submittable and payment processing fees are deducted)
Publication date: 26th October 2024
Eligibility: You must not have had any fictional stories previously published. If after submitting you have a story accepted and it will be published before 26th October 2024, then you must withdraw your story.
Story Sunday
Submissions are now open on a rolling basis for stories that will be published once a week in our new Story Sunday feature. The first story will go live on Sunday 1st September 2024. No theme and the same guidelines apply for our general submissions. We will also nominate stories for prizes (Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Best Microfictions, etc.).
Max word count: 1000
Submission fee: £5
Writer compensation: All writers selected will receive a £15 payment on publication of their story.
We have loads more opportunities for you to get published!
We hope to read your work soon. And don’t forget a paid subscription to WestWord gets you lots of submissions included, plus Zoom workshops and craft posts to help you develop your craft.
We love stories!
With love,